
Resources on Higher Education

This page lists resources on higher education, education in general, remediation and developmental education, psychology, science, statistics, and related fields and disciplines that I have used in my teaching, presenting, and papers. Much of it directly involves or is related to community college data. Citations are in APA 7th edition format, and there are sure to be errors. Most also have links so practitioners and policymakers are able to find and read them. They are in order by category but are revised regularly, so please check back for updates. If you have any to share, please contact me.


2025 NOSS GOUDAS Conference Presentation (ABSENT DUE TO ILLNESS):


2025 NOSS Conference Presentation with Dr. Boylan:



Goudas, A.M. (2024, November 1). The community college reform movement has failed students: A critical review of the literature [Conference presentation]. National Organization for Student Success Michigan Chapter (NOSSMI) Conference, Lansing, MN, United States. 2024NOSSMIReformMovementFailedStudentsGoudas

Goudas, A.M. (2024, September 19). The community college reform movement has failed students: A critical review of the literature [Conference presentation]. Minnesota Association for Developmental Education (MNADE) Conference, Hinckley, MN, United States. 2024MNADEReformMovementFailedStudentsGoudas

Goudas, A.M. (2023, March 3). The elimination of remediation and developmental education is harmful and diversionary [Conference presentation]. Minnesota Writing and English (MnWE) Conference, St. Cloud, MN, United States. 2023MnWEEliminationRemediationGoudas

Goudas, A.M. (2023, March 3). The elimination of remediation and developmental education is harmful and diversionary [Conference presentation]. National Association for Developmental Education Conference, Nashville, TN, United States. 2023NOSSEliminationRemediationGoudas

Goudas, A.M. (2022, September 22). Measure twice, cut once: Practical and effective college placement recommendations beyond HSGPA [Keynote address]. Minnesota Association for Developmental Education (MNADE) Conference, Walker, MN, United States. 2022MNADEPlacementRecommendations

Boylan, H.R., & Goudas, A.M. (2021, November 18). How current research refutes the mythology of developmental education’s ineffectiveness [Conference session]. College Reading and Learning Association Conference, Cincinnati, OH, United States. 2021-11-18CRLABoylanGoudasPPTFinal

Goudas, A. M. (2021, November 5). Remediation and developmental education never were a barrier: Recent data confirm community college remedial-nonremedial graduation rates are identical [Keynote address]. Nebraska Developmental
Education Consortium (NDEC) Conference, Online. 2021RemediationNeverWasaBarrierNDEC

Goudas, A. M. (2020, October 8). False narratives, not data, are driving reforms [Keynote address]. Iowa Organization for Student Success Conference, Online. 2020FalseNarrativesIOSS

Goudas, A. M. (2020, March 5). False narratives, not data, are driving reforms [Conference session]. National Association for Developmental Education Conference, Nashville, TN, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2020, March 4). Measure twice, place once: Understanding and applying data on multiple measures for college placement [Conference session]. National Association for Developmental Education Conference, Nashville, TN, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2019, March 7). Rorschach data: Why USDOE IES NCES research showing high remedial graduation rates has been ignored [Conference session]. National Association for Developmental Education Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2019, February 14). Data, won’t you be my Valentine? How to lovingly collect, interpret, and analyze
data in higher education [Webinar]. National Association for Developmental Education.

Goudas, A. M. (2018, November 9). You have an effective reform, but how do you collaborate with decision-makers to implement it? [Keynote address]. National Learning Communities Conference, Bay City, MI, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2018, September 27). The 4 C’s to collaborate: Communicate, comprehend, compromise, and cooperate [Keynote address]. Minnesota Association for Developmental Education Conference, Brainerd, MN, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2018, February 8). No one is an island: How to implement and integrate holistic reform using spectrum thinking [Keynote address]. Georgia Association for Developmental Education Conference, St. Simons Island, GA, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2018, January 26). Multiple measures for college placement: Important factors to consider [PowerPoint slides]. Arizona Association for Developmental Education Conference, Phoenix, AZ, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2017, September 29). We know what works, so now let’s do it: How to implement holistic reform using spectrum thinking [Keynote address]. Minnesota State System Conference, Brainerd, MN, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2017, March 3). Corequisites: The good, the bad, and the ugly [Concurrent session]. National Association for Developmental Education Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, United States.

Goudas, A. M. (2016, April 22). In defense of developmental education [Keynote address]. North Carolina Association for Developmental Education Western Regional Conference, Charlotte, NC, United States.

Articles, Reports, and Books


Bayol, S. A., Simbi, B. H., Bertrand J. A., & Stickland, N. C. (2008). Offspring from mothers fed a ‘junk food’ diet in pregnancy and lactation exhibit exacerbated adiposity that is more pronounced in females. The Journal of Physiology, 586(13), 3219–3230.

Burchinal, M. R., Campbell, F. A., Bryant, D. M., Wasik, B. H., & Ramey, C. T. (1997). Early intervention and mediating processes in cognitive performance of children of low-income African American families. Child Development, 68(5), 935–954.

Campbell, F. A., Pungello, E. P., Miller-Johnson, S., Burchinal, M., & Ramey, C. T. (2001). The development of cognitive and academic abilities: Growth curves from an early childhood educational experiment. Developmental Psychology, 37(2), 231–242.

Chetty, R., Hendren, N. Lin, F., Majerovitz, J., & Scuderi, B. (2016). Childhood environment and gender gaps in adulthood. (NBER Working Paper No. 21936). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Dobbs, D. (2013, December 16). Terrible twos who stay terrible. The New York Times.

Francis, D., Diorio, J., Liu, D., & Meaney, M. J. (1999). Nongenomic transmission across generations of maternal behavior and stress responses in the rat. Science, 286, 1155–1158.

Hart, B., & Risley, T. (2003). The early catastrophe: The 30 million word gap by age 3. American Educator, Spring, 4–9.

National Center for Healthy Housing. (2013). Childhood lead exposure and educational outcomes [Issue brief]. 

Schweinhart, L. J. (2003). Benefits, costs, and explanation of the High/Scope Perry preschool program.

Skoe, E., Krizman, J., & Kraus, N. (2013). The impoverished brain: Disparities in maternal education affect the neural response to sound. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(44), 17221–17231.

Sperry, D. E., Sperry, L. L., & Miller, P. J. (2018). Reexamining the verbal environments of children from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Child Development.


Bowles, N. (2019, April 21). Silicon Valley came to Kansas schools. That started a rebellion. The New York Times.

Campbell, F. A., & Ramey, C. T. (1995). Cognitive and school outcomes for high-risk African American students at middle adolescence: Positive effects of early intervention. American Educational Research Journal, 32(4), 743–772.

Carey K., & Harris E. A. (2016, December 16). It turns out spending more probably does improve education. The New York Times.

Doll, J. J., Eslami, Z., & Walters, L. (2013). Understanding why students drop out of high school, according to their own reports: are they pushed or pulled, or do they fall out? A comparative analysis of seven nationally representative studies. SAGE Open October-December, 1–15.

Goldhaber, D., Kane, T. J., & McEachin, A. (2021, December 13). Analysis: Pandemic learning loss could cost U.S. students $2 trillion in lifetime earnings. What states & schools can do to avert this crisis. The 74.

Goodlad, J. I. (1984). A Place Called School: Prospects for the Future. McGraw-Hill.

Heckman, J. J., & LaFontaine, P. A. (2010). The American high school graduation rate: Trends and Levels. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(2), 244–262.

Kraus, J., Slater, J., Thompson, E. C., Hornickel, J., Strait, D. L., Nicol, T., & White-Schwoch, T. (2014). Music enrichment programs improve the neural encoding of speech in at-risk children. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(36), 11913–11918.

Kristoff, N., & WuDunn, S. (2014, September 12). The way to beat poverty. The New York Times.

Reading Is Fundamental. (2015). Read for success: Combating the summer learning slide in America.

Reuschel, J. C. (2009). A comparative study of high school academic paths, grade point averages, and ACT composite scores as predictors of success at Walters State Community College [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. East Tennessee State University.

Shakeel, M. D., & Peterson, P. E. (2022). A half century of student progress nationwide. Education Next.

Shukman, David. (2011, April 25). IQ test motivation—not just intelligence. BBC News.

Tough, P. (2012). How children succeed: Grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Turner, C. (2014). This is your brain. This is your brain on music. National Public Radio.

Vigdor, J., & Ladd, H. F. (2010). Scaling the digital divide: Home computer technology and student achievement (CALDER Working Paper No. 48). National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research.


Accelerated Learning Program (ALP). (n.d.). What is ALP exactly?

Adams, P., Gearhart, S., Miller, R., & Roberts, A. (2009). The accelerated learning program: Throwing open the gates. Journal of Basic Writing, 28(2), 50–69.

Adelman, C. (1999). Answers in the tool box: Academic intensity, attendance patterns, and bachelor’s degree attainment. National Institute on Postsecondary Education, Libraries, and Lifelong Learning.

Aldeman, C. (2009, November 3). Crossing the finish line: College dropouts. Education Policy Center Blog at American Institutes for Research.

Anderson, L., & Fulton, M. (2015). Multiple measures for college readiness. Education Commission of the States.

Arendale, D. R. (2005). Terms of endearment: Words that define and guide developmental education. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 2005(35), 66–82.

Ariovich, L., & Walker, S. A. (2014). Assessing course redesign: The case of developmental math. Research & Practice in Assessment, 9(Summer), 45–57.

Attewell, P., Heil, S., & Reisel, L. (2012). What is academic momentum? And does it matter? Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 34(1), 27–44.

Attewell, P., Lavin, D., Domina, T., & Levey, T. (2006). New evidence on college remediation. The Journal of Higher Education, 77(5), 886–924.

Azurdia, G., & Galkin, K. (2020). An eight-year cost analysis from a randomized controlled trial of CUNY’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (Working Paper). MDRC.

Bahr, P. R. (2008). Does mathematics remediation work?: A comparative analysis of academic attainment among community college students. Research in Higher Education, 49, 420–450.

Bahr, P. R. (2010). Revisiting the efficacy of postsecondary remediation: The moderating effects of depth/breadth of deficiency. Research in Higher Education, 33(2), 177–205.

Banks, T., & Dohy, J. (2019). Mitigating barriers to persistence: A review of efforts to improve retention and graduation rates for students of color in higher education. Higher Education Studies, 9(1), 118–131.

Barshay, J. (2018, February 19). How to help students avoid the remedial ed trap. The Hechinger Report.

Barshay, J. (2023, May 15). Proof Points: Inside the perplexing study that’s inspired colleges to drop remedial math. The Hechinger Report.

Bertrand, M., Hallberg, K., Hofmeister, K., Morgan, B., & Shirey, E. (2019). Increasing academic progress among low-income community college students: Early evidence from a randomized controlled trial. University of Chicago Poverty Lab and Harris School of Public Policy.

Bettinger, E. P., & Baker, R. B. (2014). The effects of student coaching: An evaluation of a randomized experiment in student advising. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis36(1), 3–19.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (2010, April 20). Foundation giving $110 million to transform remedial education.$110-million-to-transform-remedial-education

Blake, J. (2024, August 30). Louisiana’s corequisite math courses boost completion. Inside Higher Ed.

Bowen, W. G., Chingos, M. M., & McPherson, M. S. (2009). Crossing the finish line: Completing college at America’s public universities. Princeton University Press.

Bound, J., Lovenheim, M. F., & Turner, S. (2010). Why have college completion rates declined? An analysis of changing student preparation and collegiate resources. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2(3), 129–57.

Boylan, H. R. (2002). What works: Research-based best practices in developmental education. Continuous Quality Improvement Network and the National Center for Developmental Education, Appalachian State University.

Boylan, H. R., & Bonham, B. S. (Eds.). (2014). Developmental education: Readings on its past, present, and future. Bedford/St. Martins.

Boylan, H. R., Calderwood, B. J., & Bonham, B. S. (2017). College completion: Focus on the finish line. National Center for Developmental Education and Lumina Foundation.

Boylan, H. R., & Goudas, A. M. (2012). Knee-jerk reforms on remediation. Inside Higher Ed.

Boylan, H. R., Goudas, A. M., & Truschel, J. (2024). The impact of college academic coaching. Research in Learning Assistance and Developmental Education (RiLADE), 3(2), 2–12.

Braga, M., Paccagnella, M., & Pellizzari, M. (2011). Evaluating students’ evaluations of professors. Institute for the Study of Labor.

Brandon, K. (2009, July 14). Investing in education: The American Graduation Initiative. The White House: President Barack Obama.

Cabrera, A. F., Burkum, K. R., & La Nasa, S. M. (2005). Pathways to a four-year degree: Determinants of transfer and degree completion. In A. Seidman (Ed.), College student retention: A formula for success (pp. 155–214). ACE/Praeger Series on Higher Education.

Carey, K. (2017, October 31). Revised data shows community colleges have been underappreciated. The New York Times.

Center for Community College Student Engagement. (2012). A matter of degrees: Promising practices for community college student success (a first look). The University of Texas at Austin, Community College Leadership Program.

Center for Community College Student Engagement. (2014). Contingent commitments: Bringing part-time faculty into focus. The University of Texas at Austin, Program in Higher Education Leadership.

Center for Community College Student Engagement. (2018). Show me the way: The power of advising in community colleges. The University of Texas at Austin.

Center for Community College Student Engagement. (2020). Building momentum: Using guided pathways to redesign the student experience. The University of Texas at Austin, College of Education, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy, Program in Higher Education Leadership.

Chickering, A. W., & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 3–7.

Citrus College. (2017, December). Accuracy of self-reported high school GPA.

City University of New York. (2022). Significant increases in associate degree graduation rates: CUNY Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP). Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA).

Clotfelter, C., Ladd, H., Muschkin, C., & Vigdor, J. (2015). Developmental education in North Carolina community colleges. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 37(3), 354–375.

Cohen, A. M., Brawer, F. B., & Kisker, C. B. (2014). The American community college (6th ed.). Jossey-Bass.

Complete College America. (n.d.). Spanning the divide.

Complete College America. (2012). Remediation: Higher education’s bridge to nowhere. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Complete College America. (2022, September 20). Complete college America awarded five year grant to increase equitable student outcomes in higher education.

Crede, M., Roch, S. G., & Kieszczynka, U. M. (2010). Class attendance in college: A meta-analytic review of the relationship of class attendance with grades and student characteristics. Review of Educational Research, 80(2), 272–295.

Crisp, G., & Delgado, C. (2014). The impact of developmental education on community college persistence and vertical transfer. Community College Review, 42(2), 99–117.

Cross, P. (1971). Beyond the open door: New students to higher education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Daly, M. C., & Bengali, L. (2014, May 5). Is it still worth going to college? Economic Letter. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Daugherty, L., Gomez, C. J., Carew, D. G., Mendoza-Graf, A., & Miller, T. (2018). Designing and implementing corequisite models of developmental education: Findings from Texas community colleges. RAND Corporation.

Deming, D. J., & Walters, C. R. (2017). The impact of price caps and spending cuts on U.S. postsecondary attainment (NBER Working Paper No. 23736). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Denley, T. (2017). Co-requisite remediation full implementation 2015–16. Tennessee Board of Regents.

Denning, J. T., Eide, E. R., Mumford, K. J., Patterson, R. W., & Warnick, M. (2022). Why have college completion rates increased? American Economic Journal: Applied Economics14(3), 1–29.

De Paola, M., & Scoppa, V. (2014). The effectiveness of remedial courses in Italy: A fuzzy regression discontinuity design. Journal of Population Economics, 27(2), 365–386.

DesJardins, S. L., Ahlburg, D. A., & McCall, B. P. (2006). The effects of interrupted enrollment on graduation from college: Racial, income, and ability differences. Economics of Education Review, 25(6), 575–590.

Dougherty, K., & Kienzl, G. (2006). It’s not enough to get through the open door: Inequalities by social background in transfer from community colleges to four-year colleges. Teachers College Record, 108(3), 452–487.

Douglas, D., Edwards, R., & McKay, H. (2020). First in the world—AMP-UP, Union County College: Final evaluation report. Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations, Education and Employment Research Center.

Douglas, D., Logue, A. W., & Watanabe-Rose, M. (2023). The long-term impacts of corequisite mathematics remediation with statistics: Degree completion and wage outcomes. Educational Researcher, 52(1), 7–15.×221138848

Douglas, D., McKay, H., & Edwards, R. (2020). Accelerating mathematics: Findings from the AMP-UP program at Bergen Community College. Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations, Education and Employment Research Center. https ://

Dowd, A. C., & Melguizo, T. (2008). Socioeconomic stratification of community college transfer access in the 1980s and 1990s: Evidence from HS&B and NELS. Review of Higher Education, 31(4), 377–400.

Duchini, E. (2017). Is college remedial education a worthy investment? New evidence from a sharp regression discontinuity design. Economics of Education Review, 60, 36–53.

Edley, C., Jr. (2017, June 5). At Cal State, algebra is a civil rights issue. EdSource.

Education Commission of the States. (2012). Core principles for transforming remedial education: A joint statement. Charles A. Dana Center, Complete College America, Inc., Education Commission of the States, and Jobs for the Future.

Education Commission of the States. (2015, November 10). Core principles for transforming remediation within a comprehensive student success strategy: A joint statement.

Education Commission of the States. (2018, December 10). 50-state comparison: Developmental education policies.

Evans, W. N., Kearney, M. S., Perry, B., & Sullivan, J. X. (2020). Increasing community college completion rates among low‐income students: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial evaluation of a case‐management intervention. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 39(4), 930–965.

Fack, G., & Grenet, J. (2015). Improving college access and success for low-income students: Evidence from a large need-based grant program. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 7(2), 1–34.

Fain, P. (2012, February 29). Standardized tests that fail. Inside Higher Ed.

Fain, P. (2012, April 3). How to end remediation. Inside Higher Ed.

Fain, P. (2012, May 6). Connecticut legislature passes remedial education overhaul. Inside Higher Ed.

Fain, P. (2019, May 23). Wealth’s influence on enrollment and completion. Inside Higher Ed.

Feldman, D. C., & Turnley, W. H. (2004). Contingent employment in academic careers: Relative deprivation among adjunct faculty. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 64(2), 284–307.

Field, K. (2015, January 20). 6 years in and 6 to go, only modest progress on Obama’s college-completion goal. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Fike, D. S., & Fike, R. (2008). Predictors of first-year student retention in the community college. Community College Review, 36(2), 68–88.

Fischer, K. (2018, August 14). Community colleges try new ‘pathway’ to student success. EdSource.

Flannery, M. E. (2014, October 15). Another lousy ‘reform’ idea: Eliminating remedial education. NEA Today.

Fong, K., Melguizo, T., & Prather, G. (2015). Increasing success rates in developmental math: The complementary role of individual and institutional characteristics. Research in Higher Education, 56(7), 719–749.

Fong, K., Melguizo, T., Prather, G., & Bos, J. M. (2013). A different view of how we understand progression through the developmental math trajectory (CCCC Policy Brief #3). Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California: California Community College Collaborative.

Franz, R. S. (1998). Whatever you do, don’t treat your students like customers! Journal of Management Education 22(1), 63–69.

Gainen, J. (1995). Barriers to success in quantitative gatekeeper courses. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 1995(61), 5–14.

Geiser, S., & Santelices, M. V. (2007). Validity of high-school grades in predicting student success beyond the freshman year (Research and Occasional Paper Series No. CSHE.6.07). University of California, Berkeley, Center for Studies in Higher Education.

Gerardi, S. (1996). Factors which influence community college graduation. City University of New York.

Gerlaugh, K., Thompson, L., Boylan, H. R., & Davis, H. (2007). National study of developmental education II: Baseline data for community colleges. Research In Developmental Education, 20(4), 1–4.

Goldfarb, Z. A. (2014, March 15). These four charts show how the SAT favors rich, educated families. The Washington Post.

Goldrick-Rab, S. (2010). Challenges and opportunities for improving community college student success. Review of Educational Research, 80(3), 437–469.

Goldrick-Rab, S., Kelchen, R., Harris, D. N., & Benson, J. (2016). Reducing income inequality in educational attainment: Experimental evidence on the impact of financial aid on college completion. The American Journal of Sociology, 121(6), 1762–1817.

Goodman, M. J., Sands, A. M., & Coley, R. J. (2015). America’s skills challenge: Millennials and the future. The ETS Center for Research on Human Capital and Education.

Gordon, L. (2016, November 9). Remedial courses are ‘barriers’ for many community college students, report says. EdSource.

Gordon, L. (2017, April 2). California ‘student success’ initiative slow to increase community college completion rates. EdSource.

Goudas, A. M. (2018). Editorial: Bait and switch college reforms. Journal of Developmental Education, 42(1), 24–26.

Goudas, A. M. (2022). Focusing on community college students in the NCES BPS:12/17 dataset to examine income, remediation, first-year grade point average, and 6-year graduation rates [Doctoral dissertation, Central Michigan University]. Central Michigan University Scholarly and Creative Works.

Goudas, A. M. (2018). Rethinking the corequisite model: What is it, why remedial English and mathematics, and what is its net effect? Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 1(2), 48–50.

Goudas, A. M. (2025). The community college reform movement has failed students: A critical review of the literature of the most common reforms of the past decade. Research in Learning Assistance and Developmental Education (RiLADE), 3(3), 2–40.

Goudas, A. M. (2019). The corequisite model: Origins, evolution, data, and net effects. National Organization for Student Success Practitioner to Practitioner, 10(1), 3–10.

Goudas, A. M., & Boylan, H. R. (2012). Addressing flawed research in developmental education. Journal of Developmental Education, 36(1), 2–13.

Goudas, A. M., & Boylan, H. R. (2013). A brief response to Bailey, Jaggars, and Scott-Clayton. Journal of Developmental Education, 36(3), 28–32.

Graf, N. (2017, May 16). Today’s young workers are more likely than ever to have a bachelor’s degree. The Pew Research Center.

Grimes, S. K. (1997). Underprepared community college students: Characteristics, persistence, and academic success. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 21(1), 47–56.

Gross, B., & Goldhaber, D. (2009). Community college transfer and articulation policies: Looking beneath the surface (Working Paper #2009_1R). Center on Reinventing Public Education.

Grubb, J. M., Scott, P. H., & Good, D. W. (2017). The answer is yes: Dual enrollment benefits students at the community college. Community College Review, 45(2), 79–98.

Grubb, W. N. (with Gabriner, R.). (2013). Basic skills education in community colleges: Inside and outside of classrooms. Routledge.

Gurantz, O., Howell, J., Hurwitz, M., Larson, C., Pender, M., & White, B. (2019). Realizing your college potential? Impacts of College Board’s RYCP campaign on postsecondary enrollment (EdWorkingPaper No. 19-40). Annenberg Institute at Brown University.

Hadden, C. (2000). The ironies of mandatory placement. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 24, 823–838.

Hagedorn, L., Cypers, S., & Lester, J. (2008). Looking in the rearview mirror: Factors affecting transfer for urban community college students. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 32(9), 643–664.

Hallberg, K., Hofmeister, K., Bertrand, M., & Morgan, B. (2022). Supporting community college student success: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. University of Chicago Inclusive Economy Lab.

Hanford, E. (2016, August 18). Stuck at square one: College students increasingly caught in remedial education trap. American Public Media.

Hanford, E. (2017, February 3). Trying to solve a bigger math problem. The New York Times.

Hesser, T. L., & Gregory, J. L. (2016). Instructional support sessions in chemistry: Alternative to remediation. Journal of Developmental Education, 39(3), 22–28.

Hern, K. (2010). Exponential attrition and the promise of acceleration in developmental English and math. Chabot College, California.

Hern, K. (2011). Accelerated English at Chabot College: A synthesis of key findings. California Acceleration Project.

Hern, K., & Snell, M. (2014). The California Acceleration Project: Reforming developmental education to increase student completion of college‐level math and English. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2014(167), 27–39.

Hern, K., Snell, M., & Henson, L. (2020). Still getting there: How California’s AB 705 is (and is not) transforming community college remediation and what needs to come next. Public Advocates.

Higbee, J. L., Arendale, D. R., & Lundell, D. B. (2005). Using theory and research to improve access and retention in developmental education. New Directions for Community Colleges, 2005(129), 5–15.

Hodges, R., Payne, E. M., McConnell, M. C., Lollar, J., Guckert, D. A., Owens, S., Gonzales, C., Hoff, M. A., Lussier, K. O., Wu, N., & Shinn, H. B. (2020). Developmental education policy and reforms: A 50-state snapshot. Journal of Developmental Education, 44(1), 2–17.

How grade point average correlates to various personal characteristics. (2010). Diversity & Democracy, 13(3), 21.

Hoxby, C., & Avery, C. (2013). The missing “one-offs”: The hidden supply of high-achieving, low-income students (NBER Working Paper No. 18586). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Hu, S., Park, T., Mokher, C., Spencer, H., Hu, X., & Jones, T. B. (2019). Increasing momentum for student success: Developmental education redesign and student progress in Florida. Center for Postsecondary Success, Florida State University.

The Institute for Higher Education Policy. (1998). College remediation: What it is, what it costs, what’s at stake.

Johnson, J., Rochkind, J., Ott, A. N., & DuPont, S. (2011). With their whole lives ahead of them: Myths and realities about why so many students fail to finish college. Public Agenda.

Jones, T., & Assalone, A. (2016). Not just faster: Equity and learning centered developmental education strategies. Southern Education Foundation.

Juszkiewicz, J. (2015, March). Trends in community college enrollment and completion data. American Association of Community Colleges.

Kane, T. J., Boatman, A., Kozakowski, W., Bennett, C., Hitch, R., & Weisenfeld, D. (2020). Is college remediation a barrier or a boost? Education Next, 20(2).

Kelderman, E. (2020, January 7). Happy new year, higher ed: You’ve missed your completion goal. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Kim, A. (2024). Incomplete: The unfinished revolution in college remedial education. FutureEd.

Kiser, S. L., Andrews, C. M., Seidel, S. B., Fisher, M. R., Wright, N.A., & Theobald, E. J. (2022). Increased pass rates in introductory biology: Benefits and potential costs of implementing a mathematics prerequisite in a community college setting. CBE Life Sciences Education, 21(4).

Kirp, D. L. (2014, January 8). How to help college students graduate. The New York Times.

Kolesnikov, A., Wang, X., Bonaduce, M., Cunningham, M., Fontinell, L., Halliwell, T., & Twillman, M. (2020). Imagine no remediation: Evaluation of a placement policy change. Research in Higher Education, 61, 849–870.

Lamb, E. (2016, March 29). It doesn’t add up. Slate.

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